• Contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
• Most potent and bio-available form of vitamin E
• Well absorbed by the body
• Contains beta glucans and phytonutrients
What is Natural Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that acts as a powerful antioxidant, contributing to the protection of our cells from oxidative stress. Over-zealous sunbathing, environmental pollutants and pesticides, fried foods, alcohol and tobacco smoke all add to the free-radical load on the body which can lead to damaging oxidative stress. This is thought to be part of the disease process in many conditions as well as contributing to the premature ageing of cells.
Vitamin E is actually an umbrella term made up of 8 related antioxidant compounds called tocopherols and tocotrienols. Higher Nature has chosen the d-alpha tocopherol form of vitamin E which is the natural, potent and more easily absorbed form, rather than the synthetic dl-alpha tocopherol version.
A stalwart of beauty supplements, vitamin E is also commonly used by women experiencing hot flushes around the menopause and may be of particular benefit to cardiovascular health. Vitamin E has even been shown to help with period pain in girls.